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This is a promise that we passionately try to keep by making sure our clients are properly advised when making Investments and buying Life and Living Benefits Insurance.

Our clients have specific financial goals and objectives that they would like to achieve. Goals such as:

  • Saving for retirement and children’s education
  • Saving to buy a cottage or pay off the mortgage
  • Lowering their income taxes
  • Protecting their estate from capital gains taxes
  • Protecting their family from the impact of premature death or disability before retirement
  • Realizing higher returns on their investments
  • Wealth building for early retirement or enhancing current lifestyle

We believe the best way for people to achieve their financial goals is to seek the advice of an honest, knowledgeable, dedicated financial advisor.
Whether you are a current or future client, our business goal is to be the “honest, knowledgeable, dedicated financial advisor” for you.

Our Method

Investment Planning

  • Investor Profile: Review your investment goals, tolerance for risk, investment time horizon and investor knowledge and sophistication
  • Asset Allocation: Determine the percentage of total investment that is invested in the 3 main investment Categories – Cash, Fixed Income and Equities
  • Design Portfolio: Evaluate and choose the best investments for your individual situation
  • Monitoring: Watching and re-evaluating your portfolio on a regular basis
  • Reporting: Send you regular quarterly reports
  • Reviewing: Scheduled Yearly portfolio reviews and impromptu reviews available upon request
  • Rebalancing: Investments are sold or bought if necessary to try and SELL HIGH and BUY LOW and maintain your Pre-Determined Asset Allocation

Insurance Planning

  • Needs Analysis: Determining insurance needs based on your family situation, occupation, current insurance programs, assets, liabilities, income and future goals and objectives
  • Product Education: Helping you understand the different plan, choices and options that are available to solve insurance planning problems
  • Cost/Benefit Analysis: Comparing plans of different Life Insurance companies on an apple-to-apple basis so as to make sure that you get the best value
  • Implementation: Assisting with the negotiation, application and policy delivery process to make sure everything is done correctly, so you will have a solid contract that will deliver the benefits promised, should the need arise
  • Reporting: You will receive regular reports and contact from our office to remind you of your plans features and benefits
  • Reviewing: Things have a way of changing so in order to make sure that your Insurance Program still fits your current situation, a needs analysis and policy evaluation are offered on a yearly basis or upon request

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